Are you interested in serving your community as a member of the MTSD Board of Education? Consider attending an informational workshop on Monday, November 25 at 6:00 p.m. in the Egelhoff Community Room, 5000 W. Mequon Rd. Click here to register for the event.
Board of Education
MTSD Board of Education (L-R): Andy Hopkins, Jason Levash, Kate Barikmo, Wendy Francour, Shelley Burns, Dr. Mary Gavigan & Dr. Michael Stadler
The MTSD Board of Education is made up of seven citizens elected at large by voters in Mequon and Thiensville. Members are elected to three-year overlapping terms, with elections for at least two seats held every year. At the end of a three-year term, members may run for re-election to successive terms. Voting takes place during spring elections in April, and terms begin with the board business meeting thereafter. If a vacancy occurs in the middle of a term, the school board names an appointee to serve until the next district election.
At the annual organizational meeting in April or May, the board elects officers. The Superintendent is an ex-officio member of the Board who facilitates the work of the board and is responsible to the board for providing leadership to the district and carrying out board directives.
The board of education in the Mequon-Thiensville School District is one of a few in the State of Wisconsin who perform their public service on a voluntary basis.
Board of Education Meetings
The MTSD Board of Education is now conducting hybrid meetings. This format will allow those viewing the meeting remotely the same level of participation as those attending in-person. Allowing for equal access to the meeting by all participants, regardless of in-person or virtual attendance, is a priority for the Board and we look forward to ensuring all members of the public are able to participate in meetings in their preferred format.
Board of Education News
The Mequon-Thiensville Board of Education held one working meeting, one closed session, two policy committee meetings, one legislative committee meeting, and one regular business meeting this month. Please take a moment to review this month's Board Briefs.
Upcoming Meetings