School News

Donation Drive - Mr. Bob's Under the Bridge

Donges Bay is holding a clothing and toiletry drive for "Mr. Bob’s Under the Bridge" during the month of February. This organization supplies items to the homeless. If you would like to help donate, items needed include: new or gently used men’s, women’s, and children’s sweatshirts, pants, shoes, socks, winter gear, blankets, comforters, towels, shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, soap, backpacks, etc. All items must be cleaned prior to donation. Thank you for your support!

Please CLICK HERE to learn more about "Mr. Bob's Under the Bridge" from our wonderful Donges Bay students!


The Donges Bay Carnival is just around the corner so we are starting to think about our volunteer needs. We wanted to give all Donges Bay siblings (both Middle Schoolers and High Schoolers) the first opportunity to sign up. They will receive 4 hours toward their merit award total. This sign up will be posted on the Homestead volunteer opportunity page on February 5th so don't delay. All volunteers MUST stay the full 4 hours (no exceptions) and they will be actively volunteering the entire time.


If you have any questions, please contact either Jennifer or Emily!

Jennifer Stanley (

Emily Tadych (


Sign up for Girls on the Run

Donges Bay Elementary School will once again be sponsoring a Girls on the Run team for up to twenty interested girls in grades 3-5.

Registration: February 24th - March 2nd

  • Eight week session starts week of March 31st
  • 5K Run: May 31st

Meeting Times

  • Tuesday 4:15 PM – 5:30 PM
  • Thursday 4:15 PM – 5:30 PM

Please visit to learn more about the program. Thank you to our Donges Bay coaches for volunteering their time. Parents are also welcome to serve as coaches, too!

Please contact Chris Gray if you would like to learn more about serving in this capacity!

Donges Bay News Team

Dive into the latest happenings at Donges Bay Elementary School with our weekly Eagles News.

 Episode #16 HERE  and catch up on school news, book recommendations, world news, sports news, pet news, and a whole lot more.

The goal of the student-led Fifth Grade Donges Bay News team, is to give students a platform to bring our large school and community closer together.

Math Night information

Join us for Math Night at Donges Bay Elementary - Tuesday, February 13th

Drop in anytime between 5:30 and 7:30!

A night of fun and math games for the whole family, plus a chance to win one of several raffle prizes.

(note - this is not a drop off event.  Parents must be stay with their children)