
UWM Mini-Course Saturday Academy Program for 6-8th Grade

Saturday Academy aims to enhance academic skills and expose students to different career and college options.

The Mini-Courses Saturday Academy Program is an  academic program for middle school students in the 6th, 7th and 8th grades that meets for six Saturdays. Saturday Academy aims to enhance academic skills and expose students to different career and college options. Each semester, students participate in a total of nine different classes that will reinforce skills in one or more of the following subject areas: math, reading, English, science, STEM, computers, foreign language, arts, and/or career-related classes. Curriculum reinforces basic skills and competencies through various hands-on activities in and out of the classroom, group projects, classroom instructions and/or presentations. Program is limited to 75 students each semester.

The UWM Mini-Course Program is currently accepting registrations for the upcoming Spring 2025 Saturday Academy session. Register for the program at

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Raider Fund - "Un-Fundraiser"

The Raider Fund is an "un-fundraiser"--meaning, we are simply asking for monetary donations--no selling.

No time to volunteer? No time to bake? Tired of buying and selling cookie doughand gift wrap? The RAIDER FUND is for you!

The Raider Fund is an "un-fundraiser"--meaning, we are simply asking for monetary donations--no selling. The money raised from the Raider Fund directly reduces the cost of school events such as Carnival, The Haunt, Bowling, Tubing, Greek Olympics, 6th grade Greek Olympics, the 8th Grade Promotion, Staff Appreciation events, as well as provides classroom funds and mini-grants for our dedicated teachers and staff. We are also hoping to fund some new comfy lobby furniture for the kids to use while they congregate after drop off before school starts!!! Please consider donating to help make that happen!

You may donate to the fundraiser by clicking here: Raider Fund Donation, then go to “Store” and select Raider Fund or drop off a check in the Main Office. We hope you’ll consider a suggested donation of $100 per family, but please know that any donation and in any amount, big or small, will help us achieve our goal and is greatly appreciated!

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Photo of new Lake Shore principal Jeff Haubenreich

The Mequon-Thiensville School District is pleased to announce that Mr. Jeff Haubenreich has been selected as the next principal of Lake Shore Middle School. The MTSD Board of Education approved the appointment at their regular business meeting on Monday, May 20. Mr. Haubenreich will begin in the role this summer, following the resignation of Mrs. Alli Rudich, who is transitioning to the Cedarburg School District as its Director of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment. 

The Mequon-Thiensville School District is pleased to announce that Mr. Jeff Haubenreich has been selected as the next principal of Lake Shore Middle School. The MTSD Board of Education approved the appointment at their regular business meeting on Monday, May 20. Mr. Haubenreich will begin in the role this summer, following the resignation of Mrs. Alli Rudich, who is transitioning to the Cedarburg School District as its Director of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment. 

Mr. Haubenreich has most recently served as an associate principal, and world language teacher and curriculum chair in the School District of Menomonee Falls. He holds a bachelor’s degree in biology and Spanish from UW-La Crosse, a master’s degree in education from the University of Kentucky, and an additional master’s degree in educational leadership from Concordia University Wisconsin. 

“Mr. Haubenreich firmly believes that all students can thrive in a safe environment where growth is encouraged and where educators collectively believe that their efforts can improve student outcomes,” said Dr. Matthew Joynt, MTSD Superintendent of Schools. “His commitment to lifelong learning, intentional leadership, and maximizing the developmental influence of the ‘middle years’ for our adolescent students makes him a wonderful fit for the principal position.”

Together, Haubenreich and Mr. Sam Nadolsky, who was announced as the next principal of Steffen Middle School, represent the new MTSD middle school leadership team, starting in the 2024-25 school year.

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June 2025 Student Trip to France

The trip is open to all students taking French at Homestead High School.

Calling on all current and future French students. French teachers Madame Maliszewski and Madame Stranathan are organizing a 9-day student trip to France in June 2025. The trip is open to all students taking French at Homestead High School. This is our second trip with Homestead students to France and is an exciting opportunity for French students. Interested students can reach out to Madame Maliszewski directly with any questions.

Also HERE is the link with the details and where students can sign up for the trip.

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