School News

SteffenEngage Speaker Series - Teens/Tweens & Social Media - Jan 23rd

Thank you to all who joined us on Wednesday, 10/16 our first Speaker Series meeting of the school year.

The second SteffenENGAGE PTO speaker series event of the year will take place on Thursday, January 23rd at 7:00pm via Zoom. Steffen principal, Sam Nadolsky, and Social Emotional Coach, Amber Schmidt, will be giving a presentation titled, “Teens/Tweens and Social Media." The presentation will focus on current issues related to social media, health impacts on students, suggestions for supporting your student's healthy social media use, and the impact of social media at Steffen and in schools more generally. There will also be time for discussion and Q&A.

Please mark your calendar and plan to join us! Zoom Link:

Past Speaker Presentations:

Wednesday, 10/16 - Click here to hear from Dr. Mary Gavigan and Dr. Michael Stadler, members of our MTSD Board of Education, as well as from Mr. Nadolsky, our new Steffen principal.


Read More about SteffenEngage Speaker Series - Teens/Tweens & Social Media - Jan 23rd
  • lake shore news

These are paid positions and the season runs from the last week of January to mid March for girls and from early February to late March for boys.

We are in need of volleyball coaches this season. We currently have 1/6 positions confirmed for this upcoming year. If you would have any interest in coaching any team (Boys 7th or 8th, Girls 7A/7B/8A/8B), please let me know.

These are paid positions and the season runs from the last week of January to mid March for girls and from early February to late March for boys. If you would like more details on practice time, pay, and match schedule please feel free to reach out.

Mr. Hagenbach (

Learn, Grow, LEAD!! Course for Grades 6-12

This course will help young leaders learn how to better help themselves and others on their journey through life. Those who attend and engage, with interest and an open mind, will take something away from each and every class.

The mission of this course is to spread positive influence and help young leaders grow their leadership skills through the facilitation of presentations, activities and discussions.

This course will help young leaders learn how to better help themselves and others on their journey through life. Those who attend and engage, with interest and an open mind, will take something away from each and every class.

Through sharing stories and experiences, the instructor will guide participants through topics that are designed to cultivate holistic growth, reflections, and connections that all young leaders need.

Each class provides relatable content with actionable steps that help lead participants to the best version of themselves. Topics covered will include:

  • Failing = Growing
  • Events+Response=Outcomes
  • Positive Action
  • How do you spend your 86,400 seconds in a day?
  • Gratitude Connection and Communication
  • And more!!

Day: Tuesdays and Thursdays

Dates: January 7, 9, 14, 16, 21, 23, 28, 30, February 4, 6

Time:  6th - 8th:   5:30 - 6:30pm
           9th - 12th: 6:45 -7:45 pm

Location: Range Line Community Center Conference Room

Register online at Mequon Thiensville, WI - WebTrac Activity Search

Instructor: Jake Davis, Leadership Teacher and Head Football Coach Germantown High School. Co-Founder and Lead Mentor SPI Mentorship (Spreading Positive Influence Mentorship).

Read More about Learn, Grow, LEAD!! Course for Grades 6-12
Can You Spare Your Time and Talents?

Looking for assistance with designing a staff lounge and leading an after school fitness program for staff.

We are looking for assistance in a couple of areas:

  • Assistance with building out our Staff Lounge seating area - if you have experience with and a flair for decorating, we would LOVE your help in designing and planning out this space!

  • Leading an after-school fitness/yoga program for Steffen staff - if you have experience in exercise instruction, we would LOVE your help in providing a 1x/week opportunity for staff during the cold winter months!

If you would be willing to donate your time and talent in either of these ways, please reach out to SteffenENGAGE for further information at

Read More about Can You Spare Your Time and Talents?