Thank you to all who joined us on Wednesday, 10/16 our first Speaker Series meeting of the school year.
The second SteffenENGAGE PTO speaker series event of the year will take place on Thursday, January 23rd at 7:00pm via Zoom. Steffen principal, Sam Nadolsky, and Social Emotional Coach, Amber Schmidt, will be giving a presentation titled, “Teens/Tweens and Social Media." The presentation will focus on current issues related to social media, health impacts on students, suggestions for supporting your student's healthy social media use, and the impact of social media at Steffen and in schools more generally. There will also be time for discussion and Q&A.
Please mark your calendar and plan to join us! Zoom Link:
Past Speaker Presentations:
Wednesday, 10/16 - Click here to hear from Dr. Mary Gavigan and Dr. Michael Stadler, members of our MTSD Board of Education, as well as from Mr. Nadolsky, our new Steffen principal.