School Closings Due To Inclement Weather
Inclement Weather Considerations
When inclement weather approaches, officials monitor situations closely in order to determine whether school should be closed.
When determining whether school closure is necessary due to snowfall, we monitor the estimated snow accumulation and the timing of the storm through the National Weather Service. If we are considering closing school due to extreme cold, we monitor the National Weather Service for a change from an extreme cold advisory to an extreme cold warning.
Ultimately, the decision to close schools in the Mequon-Thiensville School District is a local decision. The following additional local information is considered in all decisions related to closing school or late start due to winter weather:
- Information from the City of Mequon Department of Public Works officials, focusing on road conditions along with both the short- and long-term weather forecasts. Is it safe for staff, students, and parents to drive in conditions?
- Information from our bus transportation company regarding its recommendations. Will buses run routes at a slower pace, impacting the length of time students may be waiting at bus stops?
- Information from our director of buildings and grounds. Can parking lots be plowed in a timely fashion in order to ensure safety?
- The timing of the snowfall. Will the timing interfere adversely with the start or dismissal of school?
Communicating School Closure
If it is decided that school should be closed, the school district will contact families and staff members via automated phone message, text message, and email. You may expect to receive a call, text, or email between 5-6 a.m. In addition, we will post the school closure information on our website and social media, and notify local media outlets as soon as a decision is reached.
Contact Preferences
To make sure your desired channels of communication (phone, text, email) are selected, check your Contact Preferences in your Infinite Campus - Campus Portal account. During a school closure due to inclement weather, all email, text, or voice messages would be deployed as Emergency messages. You must login to your Infinite Campus portal to select or deselect and save your desired forms of Emergency communication. More about Infinite Campus.
Parent Choice
There may be instances when the school district decides to conduct school but parents believe the conditions are too hazardous. If you believe your child would be safer at home in poor weather conditions, they will be marked as excused as long as the school receives a phone call from the parent/guardian citing ‘inclement weather conditions.’ Likewise, if you become uncomfortable with the weather conditions throughout the day during a poor weather day, we would encourage you to use your best judgment, communicate with your school's office staff or principal, and make the necessary arrangements to pick up your child.